Assignment 3 Report

Introduction / Overview:

An application that provides interesting facts and information about a specific location or attraction without the need to look or move away from it.


Description of the application:

The application is designed to be a non-intrusive way for tourists to learn info about tourist attractions. The idea of the application is to make it as seamless as possible to learn about the chosen tourist attraction. Using AR allows the functionality of the app to be as simple as just having the user open their phone and point it at the attraction, from there they can tap anywhere on the screen to cycle through the available facts for the attraction. Making getting information about the attraction means the tourists can spend more time interacting with said attraction rather than interacting with an information centre or the like.


Interaction Design:

Interaction: Cycle through facts

A basic storyboard showing the user’s ability to cycle through facts by tapping on the screen, the first fact “slot” will always be empty so the user can conform that the application has properly picked up the attraction the user expects it has. This interaction is core to the application as its how the application interacts with the user and knows to change the displayed text, Initially I was experimenting with multiple facts on screen at one time, but the readability of the text was poor, so I changed to a cycling-based approach instead.


Technical Development:

The application uses AR to interact and detect specific targets in the world, in this build of the application it targets a picture of the Eiffel tower and gives info about it. I tested this using my Samsung Galaxy S10’s camera and touch screen. To use the application correctly first point the camera at the target image of the Eiffel tower, if the image is recognized successfully the 3D model will appear on screen. Once the model appears on screen, you can touch anywhere on the touch screen to cycle through the various facts about the Eiffel tower, once you reach the last fact touching the screen again will hide the facts until the screen is touched once more.


Descriptions of 3D Models:

(Thumbnail taken from the sketchfab preview)

A recreation of the Eiffel tower as a 3D model, this gives the user context as to what attraction the application is detecting.



Eiffel Tower target image -

Eiffel Tower 3D Model -

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